2022年2月4日, 第24届冬季奥林匹克运动会在北京开幕。 当奥林匹克火种在中国国家体育场“点燃”一朵“雪花”时,北京再次迎来“奥运时刻”, 也正式成为国际上唯一一座“双奥之城”。
On February 4, 2022, the 24th Winter Olympic Games opened in Beijing. The Olympic flame “ lit ” a “ snowflake ” in the China's National Stadium, making Beijing enter the "Olympic M oment" once again. Beijing officially became the world's only city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games.
On February 3, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered a n address at the opening ceremony of the 139th session of the International Olympic Committee . Xi stressed that from “ One World, One Dream ” in 2008 to “ Together for a Shared Future ” in 2022, China has taken an active part in the Olympic Movement and consistently championed the Olympic spirit. China is committed to pursuing the Olympic ideal with concrete actions.
来自世界各地的顶尖运动员在训练场挥洒汗水,在竞技场 奋勇争先 ,一次次书写战胜自我、超越自我的精彩篇章。赛场上,当我们不分国别、种族、性别、信仰,一起为每位运动员的拼搏喝彩时,奥林匹克运动的宗旨便得到了更广泛地弘扬。
Top athletes from various countries sweat hard in the training ground and outdo themselves to excel on the sports field . Again and again, they writ e wonderful chapters of overcoming and surpassing themselves. When we join together to cheer for each athlete in the stadium, regardless of nationality, race, gender or creed, the purpose of the Olympic Movement is more widely promoted.
奥运会作为世界顶级的运动盛会,象征着世界的和平、友谊和团结,这就是奥林匹克精神的最佳体现。 从“更快、更高、更强”到“更快、更高、更强——更团结”, 奥林匹克格言 的演变深刻阐释了奥林匹克精神的时代特征。 北京冬奥会不仅是传递激情和梦想、展示勇气和力量的赛场,更是抒写奋斗和团结的舞台。
As the world ’ s top sporting event, the Olympic Games symbolizes world peace, friendship and unity, which is the best embodiment of the Olympic spirit. From “ Faster, Higher, Stronger ” to “ Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together ” , the evolution of the Olympic motto elaborated the Olympic spirit ’ s characteristics of the times. The Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 not only provides a stadium to convey passion and dreams, to show courage and strength, but also is a stage to express struggle and unity.
As General Secretary Xi Jinping has said : i nstead of riding separately in some 190 small boats, countries around the world should stay together in one giant ship and sail toward a brighter future . “ Together for a Shared Future ” , t he official motto of Beijing 2022 , provides a Chinese commentary on the Olympic motto. It is not only a slogan, but also an attitude and an action plan. The motto expresses the common aspiration of the world for a better future, and coincides with China's responsibility as a major country to build a community with a shared future for mankind.